Tourism and Recreation: Ogun State has both natural and cultural features of antiquity which could be of interest to tourists and for recreational purposes. The natural features include inselbergs, beaches, valleys, highlands, waterfalls and vegetation. Cultural features include shrines, tombs, arti facts, sculpture, costume and others.

Tourist attractions in the state include Olumo Rock, a huge rock outcrop that served as a place of refuge for the early settlers, and Abeokuta, the capital city of the state, which derived its name from its natural location (under the rock); Ebute Oni Beach in Ogun Waterside LGA with its beautiful scenery; Temoji Centre a natural swimming pool on the river of this name near ljebu Ode.

The cultural features include Suna Cultural Hall not far from ljebu Ode which contains archaeological findings; Birikisu Sungbo Shrine at OkeEri village near ljebuOde (i.e., Queen of Sheba); and Orisagamu Water Pot near Sagamu. Other cultural features are traditional arts and handicrafts such as pottery at OkeEri; cloth weaving and dyeing at Abeokuta, mat weaving at Omu near ljebuOde; carving, sculpture and smithery amongst others.

The tombs of Chief Obafemi Awolowo (19091985) at Ikenne, Pastor S.B.J. Oschoffa (19091985) at Celestial City, lmeko and Madam Tinubu at Abeokuta are other points of tourist interest. Major traditional festivals which could attract tourists include lgunuko celebrations at lfoNIa village in lfo LGA; Agemo festival at ljebuOde; Boat Regatta at lwopin; Ojude Oba festival at ljebuOde and Tabborah day in Remo North LGA. Sports facilities are provided to encourage sporting events in the state. 

The shrine is located at ilaro, it was named after a great warrior who defended the town and the people from the intertribal wars that was ravaging the Yoruba kingdom of old. During his lifetime, no enemy dare challenge Ilaro to war. There was much peace all around. Oronna pledge that even in death, he should be called up to defend the town of Ilaro with appropriate sacrifices at his shrine.
The point through which he disappeared into the earth, leaving the tail of the long chain tied to his waist is still there up till now.

Olumo rock is a massive outcrop of granite rocks of primitive formation from which Abeokuta the capital of the state derived its name. The rock is a historical monument which served as shelter and fortress for the Egba people who at 1830 had settled under the rock during the intercity wars. The rock is a monument of Faith, Unity source of strength and unfailing protection for Ebga people.
The highest point of the rock is 137 meters above sea level with the existence of a muster tree growing for over 200 years and surrounding caves.

Bilikisu Sugbon is the believed biblical Queen of Sheba. Who hailed from Ethiopia where she is known as Queen Balqis. She sojourned from Ethopia to Oke Eri, Ijebu area of Ogun state where she later died. Through the works of Archaeologists from University of Ibadan; five tourists site have been identified and carved out from Bilikisu Sugbon complementing one another. The sites are: The Moat, The Tomb; The botanical garden; the zoological garden and the potteries and relics found from the excavated ground.

The centenary hall was built by the Egba people to commemorate their one hundred years story of peaceful existence at Abeokuta after the inter-tribal wars. It was built in 1950 directly opposite the Ake palace and very near the present Abeokuta south local government.


Ogun state was created on the 3rd of February, 1976. It was carved out of the old Western State of Nigeria and named after the Ogun River which runs across it from North to South.

The state is strategically located, bordered to the East by Ondo State, in the North by Oyo and Osun States and in the South by Lagos State and the Atlantic Ocean and in the West by Republic of Benin, which makes it an access route to the expansive markets of the Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS).

Abeokuta, the capital and largest urban centre, is about 90 kilometers from Lagos and 740kilometers from Abuja, the capital of Nigeria.

Ogun State is peopled predominantly by the Egbas, Ijebus, Yewas, Remos and Aworis who belong to the main Yoruba ethnic group. It also has sub-groups, namely, Ketu, Ikale, Ilaje, Ohori, Anago and Egun. There are also significant numbers of Nigerians from other parts of the country as well as foreign nationals

Ogun State is the cradle of education in Nigeria and has very high literacy rate coupled with a skilled workforce. There are 21 tertiary institutions both public and private, in the State, making it the highest in the country. Out of the State’s total projected population of 7.1 million people as at 2014, fifty-seven (57) percent are of working age. Its people are very industrious and are found in all walks of life.


Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. These people are called visitors (which may be either tourists or excursionists; residents or non-residents) and tourism has to do with their activities, some of which imply tourism expenditure (United Nations World Tourism Organization, 2008).

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