The Program will have three (3) phases

Phase I – Creating Awareness (Year One)

The purpose of this phase of the Program will be educating Nigerians about their rights and duties as Nigerians to create the need for people to be involved in building a better society.

This will take the form of social media campaigns, public fora, billboarding, flyers, newspaper insertions, company visits, and seminars.

Phase II – Civil Society Engagement

(Year Two and beyond)

This phase is intended to build a coalition with the Nigerian Civil society to show people how they can be part of the process of bringing meaningful change to their Country.

This phase will take the form of training and the development of sustainable programs that will help improve communities across the country. Providing an opportunity for civil society to participate in the process of making the country better

Examples of activities can be realized during this phase include

Health Awareness Week
Corruption Free week
Stand Up for Justice Campaign
Education for All

Phase III –Public Policy Agenda

(Year three and beyond)

Change of attitude alone will not suffice to achieve the long-term goal of the Program. Public Policy must accompany structural changes in society. The Program, with the collaboration of all sectors of society, will serve as “think tank” and make recommendations to authorities at all levels for changes in public policy that will lead to an improvement of communities across the Country.

Telephone:  +234.8092221968

Program "iamnigeria" seeks to challenge and engage especially young Nigerians, to be the solution to Nigeria’s numerous problems. It aims to inspire Nigerians to accept and assume responsibility for the future of our Country.



The goal of “iamnigeria” is to change the attitudes and behaviors of Nigerians. Conscious that this goal cannot be accomplished overnight; it will take many years and probably a generation to achieve. It will also take many initiatives targeting all sectors and levels of society to realize this goal. It will take the commitment and persistence of the Nigerian people to achieve this goal.


Identify Programs that can change the mindset and orientation of Nigerians

Use contemporary media to create awareness and sensitize on Program benefits.

Engage partners from all sectors of society; develop Program ideas aimed at creating awareness, changing attitudes and inspiring action that will contribute towards building a better society.

Influence Public policy and legislation to incorporate recommendations from Program activities.Type your paragraph here.